Favicon commonly pronounced as Fav-i-con means the symbol or a logo that one generally sees beside the address bar in any browser. A typical favicon for blogger looks like the above shown blogger favicon which is familiar to all of us. Bloggers use this generally to distinguish their site from other sites.You can easily create your favicon by following these simple steps.
- Get a free favicon design from various designs at free favicon , Delta-Tango-Bravo favicons , The Favicon Gallery or any other favicon generating sites and save it in .png format.
- Choose a free file uploader such as Ripway , ImageShack and create an account and upload your file there and copy your file's location.
- Now log in to blogger , go to dashboard and get to EDIT HTML section find <script type='text/javascript'> tag and paste this code just before it.
<link href='link URL ' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='link URL ' rel='icon'/>
Instead of link URL paste your file's URL in both the places and save your template. Now you have a brand new favicon for your site.You can see it even if you open in a new tab.I have personally identified that this works with firefox and opera browsers.
TIP: for all posts regarding EDITING HTML make sure that you have a downloaded copy of your template with you just in case anything goes wrong.
Hope you enjoyed these blogging tricks.
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