1 Jul 2011


We put a lot of links in our posts and if any reader clicks that link he goes to that page leaving your post. Nobody wants his readers to navigate away from his page. So use this trick to keep users in your page by opening link in new window.

                            <a href="target URL" >anchor text</a>

You can find this in the EDIT HTML tab of your post.If u have 2 links then you will see this twice. All you need to do is add the part target="new" after the target URL so that it becomes

                 <a href="target URL" target="new">anchor text</a>

Now just publish your post. If you have 2 links then just do this to each one of them.You can also use "_blank" instead of "new".

TIP: for all posts regarding EDITING HTML make sure that you have a downloaded copy of your template with you just in case anything goes wrong.

Hope you enjoyed these blogging tricks.


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